Snow Birds

Producer || Editor || Community Organizer

"Snow Birds" (2018) - Short Film from Bates Video on Demand on Vimeo.

An experiment in communal storytelling, this narrative film follows a trio of characters around Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, through the course of a winter’s day.  The film was produced by a collaborative team of local residents, filmmakers and Bates College students.

A component of "The Chorus of Cinema: Experiments in Community Filmmaking Practices and Collective Storytelling in Lewiston-Auburn, Maine," an Honors Thesis in Rhetoric by Dylan Franks '18.
CAST and CREW (in alphabetical order)

George Bishop
Gabi Bradley
Kiya Caron
Hayden Clark
Zamzam Elmoge
Dylan Franks
Patrick Gregg
Logan Griffiths
Abdinoor Hassan
Omar Hassan
Alexis Hopper
Kacey Hopper
Robert Hopper
Sadie Hopper
Lexi Kemp
Louise Marks
John Ricatto
Sadia Yaris

"Elegy" - Greg Boardman
"Pale Moon (an Indian Love Song)" - Betty Cody
"That They All May Be One" - Greg Boardman
"Please Release Me" - Eva Fournier and Betty Cody
"Amal" - Hadith Bani-Adam

The Bates College Digital Media Studios, Blue Goose Bar & Grill, Kim Bon, Sam Boss, Lauren Breau, Peter Bruin, Jon Cavallero, Mark Cayer, Cugno Boxing Gym, Grayling Cunningham, Happy Days Diner, The Harward Center, Omar Ibrahim, Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services, Colin Kelley, Josh Migillicutty, Jama Mohamed, Tony Morin, Darby Ray, Craig Saddlemire, Cristopher Hernandez Sifontes, Thread Theater, Tree Street Youth, and United Youth Empowerment Services.
21 minutes | Color | 2018
